Dienstag, 11. Februar 2014

MUSIC ASK extras

Since the questions in the previous "music ask" where mostly about current favourites I wanted to add two more lists about my all-time favourites. Here we go!

1. My 5 favourite songs of all time:
    - The Pixies - Where Is My Mind?
    - MGMT - Kids
    - Oasis - Wonderwall
    - The Verve - Bittersweet Symphony
    - Frittenbude - Mindestens in 1000 Jahren

2. My 5 favourite bands/artists of all time:
    - Mumford and Sons
    - Adele
    - Snow Patrol
    - The Subways
    - Bastille


Some time ago I came across this music ask on tumblr and I think that those questions are really cool. So I'll just quickly leave my answers here. What are your answers?

1. My 5 favourite songs right now
    - AOSOON - skinny strong
    - The 1975 - Sex
    - Bastille - Durban Skies
    - Bastille - Weight Of Living, Pt. I
    - Ben Howard - Under The Same Sun

2. The most played song on my iTunes:
    José Gonzáles - Heartbeats (413 plays)

3. The song I'm listening to right now:
    The Black Keys - Next Girl

4. The last album I bought:
    AOSOONs EP "What is this About"

5. The last gig I went to:
    ...was far too long ago! (I won't count my parents' choir concerts here)
    'The xx' live in Berlin in 2012

6. A song I can't get out of my head:
    Right now there is none since I'm listening to music all the time. But I once had "Can't get you out of my head" by Kylie Minogue stuck in my head for hours. It was horribly ironic!

7. A song I listen to every day:
   There is no song I purposely listen to every day. But since I'm addicted to Bastille at the moment it must be one of their songs. (see question 1)

8. The first album I ever bought:
    I don't really remember buying my first album. But I got the soundtrack to Disney's Tarzan for Christmas when I was about 6 years old. I think it was my first "real music" CD and I loved it! (I still do^^)

9. The last single I downloaded:
    I usually don't buy singles. I go for the whole Album. The last music I bought was AOSOONs Ep, The 1975's album and MS MR's album "Secondhand Rapture".

10. My favourite band right now:

11. My favourite artist right now:
    Ben Howard

12. My favourite type of music:
    I find it quite hard to categorize music. But I guess its some kind of "Indie-Alternative-Pop-Rock-Minimal"-mix. It also depends on my mood. For me it's important that the lyrics are good and that you can feel that it's made by real musicians who love what they're doing.

13. #10 in my 25 most played songs:
    The Fray - Over my Head (Cable Car)

14. Quote from one of my favourite lyrics:
    There are so many! 
    - "Keep your head up, keep your heart strong", Ben Howard (from 'Keep Your Head Up')
    - "Unentschlossenheit verschwendet unsre Zeit", Madsen (from 'Ja oder Nein', it means "Indecisiveness wastes our time")

15. Do I listen to music everyday?
    Hell yeah!

I hope you found that interesting and/or entertaining! :)

Have a nice day! <3 M

Montag, 10. Februar 2014


Sooo...I'm back trying to get into blogging regularly again. Let's see what'll happen!^^

I just wanted to show you what I liked today, music-wise.

1. So the day started of with "BBC Radio 1" since Bastille was going to be in the Live Lounge. And I have to say that british radio is much better than german radio! I don´t really enjoy listening to german radio stations since there's a lot of music that I don't like and the presenters humor is mostly...let's say "not  convincing". 
Radio one on the other hand convinced me and here's one song they played that I really like:

2. Route 94 - My Love (feat. Jess Glynne)

It's a very positive song (contrary to the stuff I usually listen to^^) and has a good vibe. The vocals are really strong as well as the beat. This song just gets me! Love it! :)  (Let's see if this will eventually be played on german radio!)

3. Then, of course, it was time for the Bastille in the Live Lounge. I'm absolutely loving Bastille! They're my current favorite band and all their live sessions have been absolutely stunning so far. So I didn't expect to be disappointed. And hell no - I wasn't! They blew my mind! They did a mashup of "Earth Song" and "Common People" for their secret cover. They had a choir and Dan Smiths voice was perfect. I'm not gonna rant on about how much I love this band...just listen yourself!^^

Bastille - Earth Song/Common People

4. Then there's AOSOON. They're a London-based duo and I think their song "under" is relatively well-known since it was posted on some bigger music-channels on YouTube. I listened to "under" pretty often since last summer. On Sunday I finally bought their four-song-EP "What Is This About" which is incredible, too! I especially like this one:

AOSOON - skinny strong

Go show some love! (Is what I'm saying to my 0 readers^^) They deserve to be more popular!

5. My last "Favourite of the day" is a classic. I just stumbled over it again. Wonderwall is one of my all-time-favourite songs. It reminds me of my bestest friend which is nice. :) I'm really sad that I missed Oasis' "big time" because I was born far too late!

Oasis - Wonderwall

Have a good day! 